Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Policy
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a discipline dealing with the prevention of work related injuries and diseases as well as the protection and promotion of the health of workers. It aims at the improvement of working conditions and environment.
Occupational health entails the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical and mental health and social well-being of workers in all occupations. In this context, the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace that could impair the health and well‑being of workers are the fundamental principles of the process governing occupational risk assessment and management. The possible impact on the surrounding communities and the general environment should also be taken into account.
As per the ILO requirements, at SEANELEC, OSH is part and parcel of our daily life
Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS)
The company promotes a culture of appropriate safety procedures during execution of works, provide personal protective equipment, proper tools and test equipment regularly.
We provide an on-site safety representative and a safety engineer for day to day operations and monitoring for all of our sites and office operations.
We have in place the Standard Operations Procedures for various activities such as working at Height, working in the confined space, working in the live lines/circuits, working on dead lines/circuits, etc.
We do have the operations procedures for each and every activity, e.g. Excavation, digging holes, stringing of conductors, sagging of conductors, lifting of heavy loads, crane operations, cable pulling, etc. The safety operations procedures intends to set the standard and guideline onto which our personnel will have to adhere to for his/her safety and those with whom are working. so far as our core business are concerned.
We normally have the Tool Box meetings on every morning, prior works commences at our head office, branches and at our site offices, with different safety & health topics being discussed.
We distribute the appropriate PPEs to all of our staff, depending on the operation, activity and works that s/he is involved in.
Job Risk Assessment & Job hazard Analysis, are part and parcel of our daily operations. They are like the morning prayers, prior starting any execution or job.
All of our vehicles, Offices and Sites are supplied with First Aid Kits.
We are having the dedicated well trained First Aiders to all of our site offices, and at our head office as well.
We provide Safe and clean drinking water and other health and safety facilities, such as latrine/toilets to our sites.
We record and Investigate all Incidents and near misses for the case of prevention of their recurrence.
We have a “safety non–negotiable” procedure; this is a procedure or rule pertaining to safety on our offices and work sites, which shall not be breached or broken by any of our employee, contractor or visitor.
We have the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) committee, whose organization structure is shown below.
From time to time our Risk Management personnel visits the work sites and evaluate the implementation of our safety programs and procedures. Any deficiencies are immediately corrected.
We also review and incorporate the customers safety program into ours so that we satisfy all safety concerns specific to their project.
Organization Chart of EH&S Committee
To make our health and safety policy effective we need to get our staffs involved and committed. This adaption is referred to as a “Positive Health and Safety Culture”. Positive health and safety culture falls into 4-Cs i.e. Competence (Refers to Recruitment, Training and Advisory support); Control (Means allocating responsibilities, securing commitment, instruction and supervision); Co-operation (This enlightens team working and cooperation in general between individuals and groups, inter and intra-cooperation) and Communication (This is a vital element in positive, health and safety culture, this can be spoken, written and visible).
Safety Policy Statement
‘….Zero accidents, Proper use of PPEs all the time, no harm to neither Personnel nor damage to Tools, Equipment & Environment…’
Environmental Awareness:
It is the stated policy of SEANELEC TANZANIA LIMITED, to ensure that whenever is reasonably practical, neither damage nor harm will be done to any part of the environment during our projects execution and implementations
The definition and Interpretation of the GREEN color in our logo, is “we are practicing Green Engineering, from the Design to Erection to Operations”. SEANELEC’s operations are more eco-friendly.
We have a policy of promoting environmental awareness among our workers. Our environment management policy monitors and regulates environmental issues with the relevant authorities in collaboration with local community leaders.
On site, internal (within the company), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is normally done prior the kickoff of any project, so as we can see how, what and when we can mitigate the outcomes of our operations to environment and the community at large, because the life has to go on after the project completion.
Materials used in the course of works on site, insofar as they are fit for purpose, will be selected on the basis of environmental compatibility and those less likely to cause harm and damage will take preference.
Method Statements are prepared for all of our jobs. These govern the correct storage, usage and disposal of all materials to be used. All potentially hazardous materials reviewed and all crucial information together with a Risk Analysis relating to their use is made available to all of our personnel at site and at head office. This information is posted up at sites notice boards and adjacent to work areas, and they may be part of the Tool Box Meetings on every morning prior works commencement.
Some of the techniques, procedures, tools, equipments and activities that will have to be used during the project execution are inherently noisy, dusty, smoky, etc. We minimize the impact to stakeholders and local residents living nearby the site by the use of silenced tools, plants, equipments and the use of better methods of activities execution that are environment friendly, whenever this is practical and the proper screening and sealing off of their work.
We always cooperate with Local Environmental Officers, Local governments leaders such as Village/Ward Executive officers, and the like to sensitize the community on the possible impacts and duration of work, as was done on the Internal (within SEANELEC) Pre Project kick off Environmental Impact Assessment.
We, always ensure that proper waste disposal facilities are always provided to our head office and upcountry offices as well as sites offices, and surplus materials are adapted into their least offensive form before burning. We also take further steps ahead to prevent access by the general public (particularly school children) to its waste on all of our waste disposal/collection points as well as construction site.