UPDATE: We have moved from this location, to a new location on provisional basis, as shown on our contact page.
We have officially opened our Dar es Salaam office on 1st January 2014. Apart from coordinating and developing business from this commercial city of Tanzania where almost all business opportunities are originated from, we expect the office to be serving much all coast and southern regions’ clients.
Very special thanks to all of our Partners, Clients, our hardworking staff, and everyone who has associated with us and has got something to do with this achievement.
It is located closer to Masjid Quba play grounds.
Infosys House, Ada Estate
Mwindu Lane, Off Kinondoni Road,
P.O.Box 75456
Mob: +255 763 123 555
+255 713 785 785
+255 754 695 631
E-mail: info(at)seanelec.co.tz
Web: www.seanelec.co.tz
Dar es Salaam. Tanzania