SEANELEC provides opportunities to fresh graduates (local and International) to come and practice  engineering in our firm and at our ongoing projects. It is through this, that we believe fresh graduates can integrate their theory and what they have learnt in class to actual field and site, with the fundamental purpose of applying all of what they have learnt in classes for their benefits, careers growth and advancements. We provide enough opportunities for Internship and Practical Training for University students/graduates, regardless from which angle of this world they are coming from We welcome those (Local and International) graduates who are willing to volunteer in any of the fields that we are operating. Volunteering opportunities are here with us, in case you are willing to work with us through this.

Are you are a graduate, you have no experience, you have no enough exposure to your area of specialization at university, then why not come and get these from us via Volunteering. We will post you to our ongoing projects, and to the ongoing projects of our business partners for you to get enough field, sites and operations  management as well as applications of all theories that you have learnt in the classes.

We wish and love to work with the Old men/women professionals who have retired, we would like to use them to lead us and show us the way. The idea here to extract what best they have and imparts it to the young  graduates who are with us here for Internship, Practical Trainings, Volunteering, as well as Consultants/Advisors in our ongoing projects. We can’t let these old personnel professionals being left at home while they are rich in knowledge and skills.

In case you are planning to Volunteer or Intern with us, then e-mail us via careers(at)