Together as one, and two heads is better than one. When you have something great and exceptional, you have to share it with the globe! Through these statements, we at SEANELEC, are very flexible working in Joint-venture with any other company local and international. Since at SEANELEC we do what we do best, then we welcome all the companies, manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, project management experts, contractors, researchers, etc to join us in doing the best and executing the projects in JV. Let us join our forces, knowledge, skills and professionalism to bit and eradicate poverty. We, SEANELEC, know for sure that it is through this the technology and knowledge transfer can be attained and achieved, and spread all over the world for the betterment of everyone, especially the less developed and developing countries.
The doors are open for any local and/or foreign company that is willing to make the joint venture with us, in the discipline that we are operating, is welcomed. We can operate with you, from where you are, and we can operate with you anywhere in this world. Come and join the force with us to deliver the project you are having at the shortest possible time, at higher quality and within the budget parameter. You might be at some distance from Tanzania! You may be at a far distance from East Africa! May be you are at far east, Europe, Asia, America, Australia, etc, and you are scared of taking the project at some other angle of the world due to various reasons such as distant, difficulties in remote execution and management, We, SEANELEC, are encouraging you to take the project and we will be there to make the joint venture with you, and we will do it with you from where you are now!